25 March 2008

1st Anniversary!

I have a lot to write about on here, but I will use the next few calm days to catch up on the news.

As most of you know, Travis and I just celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary! Our anniversary was on St. Patrick's Day! Travis had to work, but we made plans to have a special dinner together. When he came home from work, he rang the front door bell and surprised me with flowers and chocolates! Okay...the flowers are a BIG deal! Travis does not do flowers. He got me a single rose for my 16th birthday, then 9 years later, he got me a bouquet of flowers for my 25th birthday and now (2 years later) he got flowers for our 1st anniversary. Needless to say that when I get flowers from my hubby...it makes me really really happy!! :)

Anyway, dinner got put on hold because Travis wasn't feeling very well when he came home. We spent the night together just enjoying each other's company. It was actually a great way to just remember how much we mean to each other and just exactly why we decided to spend forever together.

So much has happened this year. We got married, remodeled a home, moved to Kingwood, started new jobs and got pregnant! We are so excited to see what year #2 has in store!



Unknown said...

You guys did have a big first year! Happy Anniversary!

Ledbetter Fam said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I'm glad that you finally posted about it. We thought about you that day.


Rebecca said...

Year #2...TWINS!

Jennifer McHam said...

How in the world can you top year one???? :) But it'll be fun to try!!! It was sooooo good to see y'all!!!