16 May 2007

I Feel Great!

Okay...not exactly great, but sooo much better than yesterday. I really think this cold junk is going away! Woo hoo!! :)

Today was a good day. I was very productive and I just felt so much better. It is amazing how much of my personality goes away when I'm sick. I felt so hyper today. It must have been all the energy I've been saving by laying on my back in bed for a week!

Travis didn't go out with Nigerians tonight. He just went to play pool with a couple of the guys from the class, but he did say that he has tomorrow and Friday to go out dancing. I really hope he does! I mean come on...dancing with Nigerians in Scotland...that just SOUNDS funny! Unfortunately, he didn't take our camera. I'm hoping that his co-worker, Stephen, takes his! That would just be priceless.

Well, now that I'm feeling better, I'm going to take Nikki on a walk!

1 comment:

Jennifer McHam said...

YAY! I'm so glad you're feeling better!!!!!!!!!! Colds just STINK!!! Oh boy, oh boy - we will be very disappointed if there is no documentation of Travis dancing with Nigerians in Scotland....!!! :) xoxo