17 July 2008

Anorexic Ankles and 2 week update

I have lost most of my water weight...yahoo!!!!! However, now I don't even recognize my ankles! It is weird. They just don't seem like mine now. I thought I had a picture of them when they were swollen...but I can't find it now. Stay tuned for a before and after comparison! :)

We went to Jayden's 2 week check up today. She is doing great! She weighs 8lbs 2.5oz and she is 20 inches long. That puts her in the 39th percentile for length and 45 percentile for weight. We had to do her newborn blood labs today too. She was NOT happy! She had just fallen asleep and then they pricked her little heel. She screamed and kicked through the entire thing! I don't blame her. :)



Dana said...

I was a terrible sweller with Noah, so I know just what you mean about not recognizing your ankles. I remember wondering if those skinny things could support my weight!

Anonymous said...

I would kick and scream if someone pricked my heel too! I'm so glad she's doing so well. She is beautiful!!

Ledbetter Fam said...

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to see y'all in a week.