**Edit to Play by Play post**
Jayden Bridgwater McHam was born 7/3/2008 at 9:10pm. She weighed 8lb 3oz and was 19.5 inches long!
Having my mom here for the past few days has been awesome! It was so great to have her there by my side while I was in labor, right by my side as I was learning to nurse my new baby, and having here right here by my side while I learned how to adjust my home life around my baby. She is such an amazing support and source of information and experience. We were so blessed to have her here. God has answered so many prayers during this pregnancy and even now afterwards. He is soo good! Another answered prayer was having my dad here for the experience too. I was so worried that he wouldn't get to see his new granddaughter before leaving for Zambia. It was so fun to watch him hold Jayden and love on her. It was also great to see Grandma Mary. She got to hold her 21st great granddaughter! It made me miss Grandpa Emmitt, but I know that he loved on her and held her tight before she came into this world.
Mom was able to be here for Jayden's first doctor visit this morning. The doctor said that Jayden looks and sounds great! She did lose exactly 10% of her birth weight (which is expected), but my milk finally came in today so she will start gaining it back soon! Yay!
So, Mom left this evening to go back home. My parents leave for Zambia on Thursday so they have some packing and preparing to do. It was hard to see her go. All my emotions from the past few days and shear panic hit when she drove away! I know that I can do this and that Travis is already proving to be the best dad ever! It just hit me all at once.
Tonight has been great. Travis got home from work just in time to say good-bye to Mom. Then he cooked dinner and it was sooo good! Now we are just relaxing and taking care of our new bundle.
This week we have so many friends who want to bring us dinner and meet our new little one. It is amazing how many people care to be part of this amazing life changing event. We are surrounded by awesome friends and family. Thank you to all of you who have kept up with us during the labor and the past few days. Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts. Here is another picture of Jayden...
El Terremoto de Lisboa y el Juicio de los Távora
5 months ago
What a doll! I'm lovin' that hair!
She is precious! And you all are going to be GREAT!!!!! (but I am all about the panicking myself so I can totally relate to that...!) Call if we can do ANYTHING - love y'all
She is so pretty!! Congrats!
Hi, Jana Kay! I found your blog through Juli Beth's. I am your second cousin (or something like that). I think my dad and your dad are cousins. (My dad is Paul Anderson.) I've been reading for a while, but I haven't commented yet. I just wanted to tell you that Jayden is absolutely beautiful, and you already seem like such a great mom! Congratulations!
She is so precious!
I remember the feeling when my parents left Kansas to drive back to Texas after Brody was born. It was soooo hard to watch them leave...but with Mike by my side I knew I'd make it. I know you'll make it too b/c Travis is an awesome hubby/dad!
I felt that panic as well when mom left after she stayed with us a few days when Wade was born. We even lived closer to her. It is hard to control your emotions at this point. I remember the feeling of panic. It is one that you cannot describe, but you will do fine. You and Travis are going to do well and you have so many people who love you that are close by. You can always call one of your big sisters. I love you!!!
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