11 October 2009

15 Month Update

Hello everyone! We are all doing so much better here at the McHam house. I still have a little congestion and a bit of a cough, but those can linger for a couple of weeks after the flu is gone. I pretty much have all of my energy back and I was able to clean my house and entertain some guests this weekend! :) Yay!

When I was sick, Travis took Jayden to College Station for a Memorial Boogie. This was a 10 year memorial to remember 5 skydivers who were killed in a plane accident in 1999. Travis'
cousin Jonathan Warden was one of them. It was a good weekend and they were able to see some old friends and reconnect. Jayden had fun running around and getting dirty! :)

She also got a chance to hang out with her two cousins on the McHam side of the family. This picture sums it up:

I took Jayden for her 15 month check up on Tuesday. She is doing great! Here are her stats:
Height: 30 inches (36%)
Weight: 21 lb 1 oz (22%)
Head Cir: 17.6 (18%)

Our little girl is growing up! She is still a football watcher! The first picture is her at 3 months old:
12 months later...nothing has changed!

Yesterday we spent some time outside while Daddy worked on the yard. We had fun and got a visit from our neighbor's yard Dude:And here is our little girl this morning. She is starting to look like a little girl now instead our baby!


Jennifer McHam said...

SO BIG!!!! They grow up too fast! sniff, sniff! So glad you are feeling better!!!!! xoxo

Rachael and Chris said...

Love the pics of Jayden watching football with her Daddy and she does look so very grown up in that last picture! What a cutie!!!
Big hugs to you and your sweet family.