29 September 2009

Flu Bug Shmoo Bug!

Unless of course you are pregnant!

I spent all day yesterday in the hospital to find out that I have the flu. Yuck! Being pregnant and having the flu...NOT FUN!

My mom drove in today to take care of me and Jayden is staying at a friend's house for awhile. Travis is having to work late all week (what timing) so at least he will be far away from me most of the time! I have never had the flu before...EVER! Ugh!

Since I last posted, I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and we found out that baby Kenley has one kidney. She is still healthy and technically, she only needs one! :) She just can't play any contact sports when she gets older. That is OK!

What that means for me is...I might be diabetic anyway...even when not pregnant. Diabetics tend to have babies with kidney problems, spina bifida, etc. They will just watch me very closely after I deliver baby Kenley and I will start going to a specialist on a regular basis just to make sure we catch it early if I do develop diabetes.

Lots of prayers are appreciated, but we are all very confident that God has a great plan for this baby and we fully trust His plan for us! :)


Dana said...

JK, I love you, and your always positive attitude! I'm praying for you and baby Kenley!

Jennifer McHam said...

Yes He does! We love you and baby Kenley!!!