So, now that we know I am allergic to dogs, our house projects have quickly become first priority. To improve my allergies, we first moved Nikki out of the bedroom (where we kept her kennel). She now sleeps out in the living room. Travis is actually planning to build her a dog house so that she will be more of an outside dog than inside. In the next week or so we are getting new carpet in all of the bedrooms (to get rid of the dog odors and such from when there were 3 big dogs livng here with the lady who we bought it from). In the next month (or so) we are going to tile the kitchen, guest bath and laundry room (to upgrade the house from the stained concrete floors that seem to never be rid of dog hair) and we are going to get hardwood floors for the rest of the living space. We are so excited about our projects and I am so excited to actuall be able to breathe! (I will be sure to update with pictures as we get these projects underway!)
I have a consultation with my Allergist on Friday afternoon to see what else we can do to avoid the allergens. The other things I am allergic to are mold, dust and cats. So, we are going to get new allergen filters for the vents and see if that helps some. I don't really want to go through any allergy treatments where I have to go in twice a week, just to get injected with the thing I'm allergic to. Scheduling would be so hard with the work that I do and it just doesn't seem pleasant at all! So, we are going to see what happens by just making some adjustments and taking some medicine. I am taking Singulair and I haven't seen a drastic difference yet, but it takes a couple of weeks to really kick in and I haven't been the best at taking it every night. We will see. I am just so tired of waking up, unable to breathe or open my eyes because they are stuck together! You think I'm exaggerating...just ask my husband! It is really bad...
Travis is out of town this week so my main project this week will be to clean this house from top to bottom as much as possible. I am not a very good duster...just because I never think to dust the blinds and on top of things (like fans). I always dust the tables, bookshelves and anything in view. I need to get better about dusting all the time and dusting everything!!
Alright, now that I have completely bored you with my allergies and the house plans...I am going to bed.
El Terremoto de Lisboa y el Juicio de los Távora
6 months ago
Sound like lots of fun! Those projects are going to be great and I can't wait to see the pics.
Nothing like allergies as an excuse to get new carpet. My mom got her new carpet when my dog ate a hole in the old stuff. She was not upset about it although my dad was. He didn't really see a problem with the old poo brown carpet.
Hey sis! I'm so sorry you've been so sick!!! No fun at all! If you want me to, I'd be happy to talk with my dad (he's an ENT dr.) He's always up to date on the latest allergy meds. Also, we used to take allergy shots at home and you could get Travis trained to do it at home!! Scarier than going in twice a week?? POSSIBLY!!! ;) Get well soon!
xoxo, Jen
I'm with you on the whole not liking shots thing. It's not that I'm scared of needles, I just don't like them to be stuck in me or the feeling it gives me when they are. And I also understand not being able to dust properly. My Mom simply doesn't give me the job of dusting any more:) Good luck on everything, that seems like an awefully big project. I'll be praying for you and Travis.
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