09 July 2009

Dear Old Sooner Youth Camp...

I am going back to good old SYC!! It has been a few years since I was able to go back as staff and I have missed it! For those of you who do not know...

Sooner Youth Camp is where my parents met. It is also the reason Travis and I met. Both sets of my grandparents had a big hand in getting this camp up and running and why it has continued for so long. SYC is in my blood! It is a place that I hold dear to my heart as a place of rest from the busy world, a place of friendship and love. Sooner has had a big impact on so many lives, that I can only hope to try and give back a portion of the blessings that God has given to me because of this wonderful camp!

That being said...I am leaving my daughter for an ENTIRE WEEK!!!! Oh my goodness! What am I thinking?! For the past few days I have been thinking, "Maybe I just shouldn't go." But...I know why I am going, and what this week will mean to me and to the others that I am able to share it with.

Poor Travis...It is going to be hard to leave my hubby too! He has always been a constant in my life and such a blessing in my life. I'm going to miss having him come home to me at night and spend the evenings being goofy! :) We both know that this camp means to both of us and we are excited that I have the opportunity to go back.

Jayden had her 1 year old check up the other day. Here are her stats:

Weight: 19lb 10.5 oz (46%)
Height: 29 in (26%)
Head: 44.8 cm (21%)

Our little girl is getting bigger!!!
Dear Old Sooner Youth Camp
I'll remember you

When life's evening shadows
Hides life's morning hues

Hold to your traditions
Noble Pure and Fine

Dear Old Sooner Youth Camp
Glad that you are mine.

When life's evening shadows
Hides life's morning hues

Dear Old Sooner Youth Camp
I'll remember you!!!!!


Ledbetter Fam said...

EAT!!!! Only SYC alumni will get that. Have fun!


Karissa said...

I quite literally had to consciously stop myself from crying while reading your post. This is the first year I haven't gone since I started going and I am in mourning. I've cried already. And I'm sure it will be worse next week.

That being said, have such a wonderful week!!!! Say hi to everyone for me and have a great time!!!

The Stringers said...

Eat!! I am so sad I'm not going this year! Seriously, it's so in my system that I feel a pull to "head north" the 3rd week of June! Have a great time.