Please don't think that I'm a bad mother by not responding to my child's cry of, "I want you!" There are just days when you know that is manipulation. This has been happening all day and just thought I would share one of the reasons that us mothers seem to have lost our minds on many days. :)
This is actually a pretty rare occurrence around here, so I had to share!
You are definitely not a bad mother. You should be at my house when my baby is screaming her lungs out just in rebellion. It's. Awesome.
I love your girls. "Mooooom! We're so upset! Feel sorry for us!" Haha I don't think you're a bad mother. Any more than I'm a bad friend for laughing. I probably would have told them, "Oh, it's not as bad as all that, be quiet." Which is, I'm sure, what you probably did. Ginger wondered over here while I was watching it, though. I hope your day and their day got better!
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