05 May 2009

Oh, The Life We Lead!

Wow...a lot has happened since I last posted!  I will try to remember everything, but it will all be out of order...

I went to the doctor on April 30th!  They confirmed I am prego and 8 weeks along (well, I was just 7.5 weeks at the appointment).  I got a couple of pictures, but haven't scanned them in yet.  I know...I'm a slacker!  :)  I will get them up soon!

On Saturday we had to take Jayden to the doctor because I noticed a bad rash starting on Friday and it had only gotten worse Saturday morning.  It took Dr. Weed all of 30 seconds before he announced, "You my dear...have Hand, Foot and Mouth disease!"  WHAT?!  Oh my goodness!  Well, basically it is just a virus.  It is passed on from kid to kid by slobber!  Ewwww..... So, we are in quarentine until Saturday.  Today is the end of the 4th day and I am going nuts!  Jayden is a real trooper.  She just plays and plays and acts as if nothing is attacking her body!  She is so precious.  Here is what her body looks like...the rash and the blisters:

Jayden now has a tooth and the second one is working its way out...
So...I made my first cake ever for a friend's baby shower.  I had so much fun making this and can't wait for the next one!

Okay...that is about all I can fit in before bathtime.  I have a couple of videos I want to share...so be looking out for those!


Erin said...

Yay! Congrats on the baby news!

Jennifer McHam said...

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Get well soon! And cute cake!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jayden. I hope she feels better SOON!!! The cake looks awesome, way to go! :)