01 April 2009

9 months!

I know it is a couple days early, but we went to Jayden's 9 month wellness check on Monday.  She has a little cough so I wanted to get her in sooner so that we could check out the cough and keep it from getting any worse.  She isn't sick...just teething!  Yay!  :)  It is official because the doctor said so...hehe!!!  Anyway, she is coughing because of all the drainage from her runny nose.  Yuck!  She is such a trooper though.  Always in good spirits, my little one is!

Her visit with the doctor went well.  Here are her stats:

Height: 26.75 inches (25%)
Weight: 17 lb 3.5 oz (23%)
Head: 40.7 cm/16.81 inches (16%)  

So our little one is growing and healthy!  She is tiny...but precious and just where she should be.  We did have to get her finger pricked for an anemia test.  She was such a trooper during this too!  We pricked her finger the first time and it took so long to get the right amount of blood that the blood in the first vial clotted.  NO GOOD!!  :(  So...we did it all over again.  She cried...A LOT!  My poor kid!  

Everything here is going well.  We are almost done with Jayden's playroom.  Travis still has to put up the trim on the outside and the trim on one window inside.  We are soooo close!  Things just keep coming up this week (like rain, helping other people move things [we are the friends with the truck], etc) that keep us from finishing.  The cleaning ladies come tomorrow and are going to scrub the playroom with bleach so we can make it officially kid friendly!  Yay!  I'm so excited.  Here is a picture...although you can't really tell the difference from the last
 update...there is trim around the windows...that is about all the new stuff inside:

So...I am really good at buying presents for people...but I am HORRIBLE about waiting to give the gifts at the appropriate time.  I tend to just give the presents to people as soon as I buy them.  Travis has made his list of tools that he needs/wants for his garage shop to be complete.  At the very end of his list is a new table saw.  He has a perfectly good one, but it has about two feet of table space that actually supports the wood he is trying to cut.  Being the understanding and loving wife that I am...I bought him one!  Yes...I bought him a Jet table saw with a 52'' table.  I bought for a combine Father's day (June) and Birthday gift (May).  And...I gave it to him last week!  I know...I know!  I'm bad!  But his face was awesome!!!  I wish I had gotten a picture of his stunned face.  I told him we were going over to my Uncle's to get something.  He wanted to know what it was and I told him, "You will have to see when we get there.  I don't' want you to be mad at me."  Travis is now thinking, "Great!  She has agreed to take yet ANOTHER piece of 'family' furniture for safe-keeping.  Ugh!"  Little did he know!  It was great....

So, I think that is all I have right now.  I hope everyone is doing well and life is treating you to a bowl full of cherries!  (I don't know where that came from...I'm wierd...I know!) :D 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been 9 months already. It was SO good to see you and to finally meet Jayden!!