20 December 2007

Update on Baby!

So, we went to the doctor yesterday and Travis got to hear the baby's heartbeat! He was sooo cute. As soon as we walked in the room and the woman asked me to sit on the bed, he looked like a kid at Christmas! The baby has gotten so much bigger than the last picture:

It has hands and feet!! It is getting so big! This is so exciting...

The nurse pointed out a "very pronounced sticky outy thing" that makes her believe it is a boy, but we aren't claiming anything yet! We will find out in about 6 weeks. Yay!


Staci said...

Awww. What a cutie! I can't believe you get to find out the sex in 6 weeks! I doubt we'll get to find out until I'm at least 20 weeks! Arg. I hate waiting!!!

Ledbetter Fam said...

At this point little girls have a sticky out thing too! You never know. However, I have always said it is a boy and I'm sticking to it.


Dana said...


Anonymous said...

That's so exciting!!!

Ledbetter Fam said...

Are you ever going to post again? Or are you going to be like your husband and drop off the face of the earth in blog world??? Love you! Miss your blogging!


Anonymous said...

Awesome guys! Keep up the good work. We are having a blast with Dax. He hasn't wrecked the car or anything like that... yet. May God bless your baby every day.